freelance 37

Reda Ezakraoui

Spécialite en Design & Publicité
Ville : Casablanca

A propos de Reda Ezakraoui

i'm Reda Ezakraoui from Morocco,I'm an illistrator and Graphic Designer,i love image in all fields,and i never stop searching for New Styles and new forms of self-ex-pression to improe my skills,making experiences and being constantly inspired by new things and new people,routine and monotony definitely kills me

Parmi les spécialités de Reda Ezakraoui

  • Conception / Design 2D
  • Publicité par l’objet
  • Logos
  • Cartes de visite
  • Brochures
  • Catalogues
  • Flyers
  • Affiches
  • Social media design
  • ...

Portfolio : parmi les projets de Reda Ezakraoui

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